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''He waited and waited and waited, but mommy never woke up, GREECE POISONED HER'' |
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''Brothers in Arms'' These 2 dogs where battered to death in Rhodes GREECE at the beginning of the year. When the Sadists left the dogs for dead, the cream coloured dog dragged himself to his brother, to comfort him in death, they both died 'together |
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In 2009 on the Greek Island of Naxos, this stray dog who never harmed anyway, never annoyed anybody was appraoched by a man who took out a handgun, put it to his face and shot him dead. The man simply walked away!!!!!!! |
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This is what a SHOTGUN does to a stray dog in GREECE. This quiet stray dog who never did anyone any harm was BLASTED WITH A SHOTGUN and Killed in cold blood in the courtyard of the Holy Archangels church Mantamadou GREECE in Feb 2012 |
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Further to the horrific killing of the dog in Chania CRETE GREECE where the poor dogs head was nailed to a tree, in 2011 Dalamanara ARGOS Greece, according to [paratiritis-news.com] the gruesome discoveries of two dogs heads where made and both heads had thrown near a stream, both dogs had owners and both dogs had gone missing days before the terrible discovery was made |
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This is what GREECE like to do to the stray dogs, SHOOT them!!! This is the injury a single bullet can do to an animal shot, this little dog, was seriously injured in Kavala GREECE in Jan 12 but the animal welfare association Kavala "Aesop" saved his life and he recovered just fine. |
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GREECE EXPOSED REPORT Please post this story on bloggs, pages, groups etc |
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This battered and abused mule was RESCUED on Tuesday, August 7, 2012. Volunteers of Animal Friendly Komotini GREECE said the owner used it until exhausted to drag scrap metal. The conidtion of this poor baby you can imagine what LIFE OF HELL he has endured at the hands of greeks, starving, ribs showing through his skin, open wounds ABUSE, ABUSE ABUSE!! |
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This will the FIRST time and last that I deviate from GREECE but this picture has to be shown. ROMANIA. The owner of this dog was going to bury her alive. I am totally shocked as to the condition of this poor baby, I cannot even work out what has happened to her back end. Will update when I get answers... lost for words!! |
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This dog is believed to have eye cancer, the owner has been approached and he refuses to have the dog treated by a vet 'he cannot afford it' Animal Friendly Association of Chania have informed the Police. The poor dog is in that much pain I believe it will not let anyone approach it, avet has said [he must have looked at the dog at location] that the dog needs immediate treatment. Updates to follow on this case.
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These poor puppies have just been found in Markopoulo, suburban town in southeastern Attica in the Mesogaian plain north of the mountains, approximately 30 km SE of Athens. They have absolutly no where to hide except under this bin. Animal Press Association have appealed for anyone who can help these puppies before anything happens to them THEY ARE NOT SAFE IN GREECE ALONE LIKE THIS please email them at animalspress@gmail.com |
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Over 30 dogs have been found HIDING FROM THE GREEK SADISTS in a house in DAPHNE EGKATALLELEIMENO GREECE ALL DOGS [malnourished Hungry] details to follow * RESCUE IN PROGRESS |
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012 This is the latest picture of PARIS, the poor doggie who was living on Galini Beach Attica GREECE in a terrible condition whilst sunseekers just ignored the poor soul. RESCUED BY [Friends of Animals of Keratea] PARIS IS BEING KEPT IN CAGE B9 BY [Greek Animal Welfare Society |
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012
GREECE EXPOSED reported yesterday of the dogs stolen and found in terrible conditions in ATTICA ATHENS GREECE. [Report: STOLEN DOGS FOUND IN HELLISH CONDITIONS] Not only has this man been stealing dogs but breeding them also to sell to farmers, it's a PUPPY MILL GREEK STYLE. GREECE EXPOSED has just received pictures from 12 MONTHS ago showing dogs that where RESCUED from t his HELLHOLE by a German organisation called Hundehaftpflicht.de. This GREEK man just continues to carry on stealing and breading these poor animals. WHY?? BECAUSE NO ONE IN GREECE IS BOTHERED TO STOP HIM AND SHUT HIM DOWN. This picture from Hundehaftpflicht.de is EVIDENCE that this man has been operating for at least 12 months as they rescued dogs from this hellhole 1 year ago!!!! |
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he is the KILLER GREEK PRIEST from Patra GREECE.who on January 8th,
2012 blasted this poor dog with a SHOTGUN and killed it. The owner of the dog held his dead dog, named Avra, in his arms and said ''I cannot believe what has just happened''. Unfortunately, the dog trespassed the property of the convent OBLOU - OMΠΛΟΥ in Greek. When the priest came out of the church holding a shotgun, the OWNER told him that he was coming to get the dog and begged him to please not to hurt her. No matter how he begged, the priest would not listen. Heartlessly he took his SHOTGUN executed the dog in front of his owner. |
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REPORT BY Pfotenhilfe Europa
Reporter: MD Julia Weber The reports and documentations of the cruelest animal tortures, done by sadists in Greece every day, are just shocking. Every day, we find dead bodies, which have signs of the most brutal barbarity and died under agony. All this is done by humans. Starved, suffocated, strangled, shot or poisoned animals, Hanged dogs Cut extremities Bodies doused with acid Dead bodies with fractures and the worst injuries you can imagine, Dogs, thrown in burrow for disposal where they starve and die of thirst – often together with their puppies. Furthermore, there are animals collected, which are nearly starved or which have obvious and huge abscesses, are abandoned; or with a lot of puppies, thrown in the dump in a package and often finally land in the dump crushing – still alive. The sad list is endless! |
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STRAY COLLECTION GREEK STYLE This is Serres GREECE. The Mayor of Serres, Peter Angelides, who is a veterinarian likes to round the strays up and he'll know exactly how to euthanise them as well !!!!! |
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This poor dog was found Sat 4/8/12 abandoned tied outside a house crying. The lump is a tumor the vet Mr. Pilaki in Byron has said the surgery will cost approx € 200 with the biopsy. '' Please absence of this money, and already owe several veterinarians for animal feeds, anyone can help with any amount we send a message to the profile https://www.facebook.com/ |
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This poor dog was found last Thursday in this terrible condition in Patras Akhaia Greece he has been taken to a vet as you see, i'm asking for updates: [PICTURE 2] Treatment 1-SARKOPTES [scabies] 2-BROKEN LEG [OPERATED ON 03/08/12] |
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HE WAS RESCUED BY [Friends of Animals of Keratea] AND IS BEING KEPT IN
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THESE 7 puppies found where found dead [Friday, August 3 2012] Komotini GREECE. It appears the puppies where placed in the box and the box sealed up, the 7 puppies probably died from heat and suffocation |
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Under the description of this page you will see the text
For you Bob [ Papous ] RIP This is Bob or Papouse. An old man dumped on the streets in Crete Greece, his legs where stiff his hearing bad and his eyesight failing, his fur was matted and over grown when he was shoved in a shelter in Crete Greece. In this picture he lay on a wet floor, they where not bothered whether in his old age he would loose his body heat from the cold wet floor, they just left him there. When we seen Bob's picture, we began to network for a forever home a friend even offered the shelter funds to help Bob, keep him alive in case they had any thoughts of killing him. Then one day about 2 weeks after we had first seen his picture, his picture on this shelters webpage, vanished. The minute help was offered for Bob, COMPASSIONATE HELP, the BASTARDS in the shelter in Crete GREECE KILLED HIM!!! They couldn't wait to stick that needle into him and KILL him. The minute anyone shows any concern, help and love for a poor old abandoned dog like Bob, THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR DOING OR WHY YOUR DOING IT, THEY SIMPLY DECIDED TO KILL HIM, KNOWING DAMM WELL WE WHERE TRYING TO SAVE BOBS LIFE. Greece may have KILLED you Bob, but you will always 'ALWAYS' be here with us on this page. It breaks our hearts Bob that we could not save you, they made sure of that, Rest in Peace seatheart, your in the arms of the Angels now, for you Bob xxx |
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And this dead dog is the scene that was met by a lady who landed at Athens airport this morning, she has just mailed me the picture, she said the dog had a leg missing and she could see the bone in the leg. Incredible!!!! RIP |
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THIS WAS LITTLE "PROMETHEUS" in LESVOS ISLAND GREECE One year old "Prometheus" had been hit by a car, poisoned twice, kicked around by the locals many times (in Skala Kallonis Lesvos) and then some SADIST threw acid on his face... He's was taken care by a local animal welfare association "Kivotos" and we believe he was adopted to Canada. |
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Last year in Lesvos GREECE as SADISTIC KILLER killed this poor donkey 2 dogs (one was in advanced pregnancy) and 2 cats all where poisoned and all lay dead within 100 meters of each othe. |
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The poor dog used to live together with another female dog behind a store by the Vari avenue.The dog harmed no one ,was neutered by the Municipality and very calm and loving AND yet SADISTS hung this poor dog and was found the following day as the children walked to school.

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