domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Justice for Herbie......

This is love...
Foto: New Herbie Pics!
New Herbie Pics!
Foto: Herbie with some of the gifts he received last night at his vigil.
Herbie with some of the gifts he received last night at his vigil.
Herbie had a tiring day...first online event and he's sleeping happy knowing he rocked this world! (17/2/13)
Foto: New Herbie Pics!New Herbie Pics!Foto: Herbie in his bed back at Doc Rick's house...Foto: A Pitbull Prayer... Written By Unknown.... Featuring Me Princess Aurora
Herbie is spending the weekend at the clinic as Doc Rick has to work this weekend. Doc is picking Herbie back up on Monday for another week of fun! Here's a pic for a Herbie fix!
From Doc Rick...

I can't think of any funny caption for this pic. Herbie just looks so freakin' magnificent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Herbie is with Doc Rick through Thursday. Doc has weekend work duties, so Herbie is enjoying almost a full week with his buddy!
Herbie had a tiring day...first online event and he's sleeping happy knowing he rocked this world!
Herbie needs a nap, this was an exciting day for him! Had his first big online event live! He has a favor to ask... If you know of a rescue or shelter in your area that you can help in some way ( either donate money, time, food, or companionship to the animals) please commit by simply stating which shelter or rescue you're willing to help. You don't need to state what you intend to do, only which ...Ver mais
What Is A Hero? Someone Who Shows Strength& Courage! Someone who has united people! Someone who has inspired people!!! HERBIE IS OUR HERO!!

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